How to correctly walk a dog

All dogs, irrespective of breed and size, need to be taken for a walk every day. Like most other animals, dogs need to move around as much as possible to release their pent-up physical and mental energy. Just letting the dog roam your yard isn’t enough; a walk has to belong to be effective.

Walking a dog, however, is not as easy as it sounds. It can be an unpleasant experience for both dog and owner, particularly if your dog likes to resist control.

Here are some important tips then on how to make walking a pleasurable experience for both pet and owner.

Be the leader

The right position for a dog while walking is either by your side or behind you, but never in front of you. Walking beside or in front of your dog is a simple way of telling your pet that you are leading the walk. Letting your dog walk in front of you communicates the opposite of this.

Also, ensure that you choose a consistent position, so your dog knows how and where to walk each time.

Use a short leash

Using a short leash helps you dictate all aspects of the walk. A short leash keeps your dog close enough, so you can prevent him from getting ahead of you while giving him enough room to walk.

Carry treats

Reward your dog during the walk. Carry easy and healthy snacks like apple slices, and carrots, to feed your pet when he walks acceptably. Another way to reward your dog during a walk is by letting him sniff around and relieve himself. Remember to also carry a poop bag so that you can clean up after your dog.

Choose an appropriate time for the walk

Like humans, dogs are most active during the day. Choose a good period in the morning or at evening time, when you are sure you have enough time (about 30 to 45 minutes) to walk your dog. Another thing to consider when choosing the time for a walk is temperature. Avoid walking your dog at noon, especially on hot days when the pavement may be too hot.

Rest when necessary during a walk

A walk is tiring for both dogs and humans alike. Find a shade to rest under during the walk to ease off the stress. Try not to overdo it, especially if it’s your dog’s first time using a collar and a leash.

Stay the leader, even after a walk

Be the first one out of the house before a walk, and the first one to enter after a walk. At home after a walk, teach your dog to be patient while you put away his things and your things.

Give your dog a reward after the walk

Offer your dog food and water after a walk to keep him hydrated and as a reward for his “work” and good behavior.

Walking, if done right, can be a rewarding experience for both dog and human. Follow these tips to reap the benefits of a good walk.