How and When to Train your Dog

There are a lot of responsibilities that come with raising a dog. Much like children, dogs need to understand restrictions and the importance of boundaries. You must realize that your dog cannot remain a puppy for life and as your dog grows, he or she will begin to exhibit some negative behaviors. This brings us to the topic of dog training.

Why is dog training important?

It is a well-known fact that dog’s age at a faster rate than humans. This means that at the age of four or five months, your pet can no longer be called a ‘puppy.’ Dog training has to be introduced during the formative stages of a dog’s life because any delays can complicate the whole process. Dogs are now raised as part of our homes and families, and it becomes more important for us to provide every dog with a good canine education. These pets deserve all the love and attention they can get and dog training can help prevent a lot of behavioral issues which may crop up later on. As a pet owner, any time spent in teaching your dog is an important investment, and you’ll reap the rewards over and over again.

A lot of people believe that dog training is only an effective means of teaching your dog to obey obedience commands. As such, they conclude that dog training is something that can be taught through the use of heavy-handed techniques and without professional help. For this reason, a lot of dogs grow up without ever receiving any formal training.

Thankfully, a lot of dog owners have come to realize the importance of dog training. A professional trainer can provide guidance and direction to dog owners and their pets. This training has such intrinsic value that they wouldn’t mind paying for it.

One thing is for sure – the importance of hiring a qualified dog trainer for your dog cannot be overemphasized.

When to start dog training

Although dog training is available for dogs of all ages, It is necessary for you to introduce dog training at an early stage when they are most impressionable. Studies show that the brain waves of puppies begin to mature early and at five weeks old, they become equivalent to that of a mature dog. This is a good time to begin dog training as your pet will be able to understand basic commands at this stage.

One benefit of introducing dog training at an early stage is that it eliminates the risk of your dog becoming aggressive shortly. Dogs often exhibit aggressive traits when they are afraid, and a dog who has had no training in socializing with fellow dogs and even humans will exhibit aggressive behaviors. To remove this fear, dogs need to be introduced to the outside world. Apart from aggressive behavior, another negative behavior which your dog can develop if you neglect dog training is shyness. Because the dog was not taught to socialize at an early stage, the dog will be unable to relate to other dogs.

Benefits of Dog Training

1. Your dog will learn how to communicate and interact with other dogs.

Dog training ensures that your dog will learn how to associate and socialize with other dogs. This is a good way for your dog to learn the basics of communication. The ability to identify appropriate play and recognize tactics of intimidation or bullying is another benefit that can only be gotten from a dog training experience.

2. It helps you to build a healthy relationship with your dog.

You can utilize the principles of dog training to build a positive relationship with your dog. To foster this relationship, it is important for you to reward your pet for good behavior. This helps to establish a mutual trust and respect. You need not use force when influencing your dog to adopt positive behaviors. Establishing your role as an alpha can have a negative psychological effect on your dog as it requires you to use force to ensure that your dog recognizes and accepts your authority.

3. It boosts your dog’s confidence.

For a dog who enjoys socializing, dog training can give him the opportunity to create new friendships with other dogs. You must understand that socialization does not depend on physical touch alone. By training your dog to have good manners and behave well in every situation, you also encourage your dog to be friendly with everyone they meet. When a dog gets to have new experiences with different people, dogs, and in different environments, it boosts his confidence and allows him to gain acceptance.

4. It eliminates the risk of negative behavior

Training builds communication and understanding. Dog training does not only teach your dog to obey basic commands and adapt to different social situations, but it also allows your dog to cultivate relationships with humans and dogs alike. All these positive effects of dog training will erase any negative behaviors that may spring up in the future.

How to find the best dog training school

We have outlined the importance of dog training now it’s up to you to find a reputable dog training school to enroll your dog in. You should identify your requirements before beginning your search and here are a few things you should look out for when searching for a dog training school.

  • CertificationEmployees at a dog training school are expected to have proof of their expertise. Remember to ask for any form of certification and credential to be sure that the dog trainer can direct you and your dog.
  • ReviewsIt is not just enough to flaunt credentials. You must conduct some research and read reviews of dog owners who have availed themselves of the services offered by the training school. This will give you an idea of their level of efficiency and professionalism.
To find the best dog training school, you can conduct an online search to find a reputable training school close to you. It is also a good idea for you to ask your friends and neighbors for recommendations.