Adog no matter how small or large is always taken as part of the family. We love, cherish, adore and play with them, the same way we would with our kids. It is no wonder people tend to look at their age in the same light as that of humans. But no matter how we try to overlook it, dogs and humans don’t age the same way.
When it comes to converting a dog’s age to that of humans, most people generally go by the common knowledge of 7 years in dog age is equal to 1 year in humans (this is clearly a myth, and we don’t know how and when it started) That is so far from the truth and it should never be implemented when trying to get an accurate age of the dog in human age. The truth is, there are lots of species of dogs with different sizes and also physique, and as such, the rate at which they age is completely different from that of humans.